Anexo is a commercial metering service for large consumption connections.
Anexo Pro account #
An Anexo Pro account is required for Meterbeheer to retrieve measurement data.
ID verification #
Anexo’s online dashboard is To retrieve measurement data by Meterbeheer, Meterbeheer must be authorized.
This can be done as follows:
Log in with the Anexo account at
Click on “Settings (Instellingen)”. See arrow 1.
Click on “Third Party Authorization” (Derden Autorisatie). See arrow 2.

Authorization code: 3053
Name: Meterbeheer (CHJ Internet)

Meter ID (meternummer) #
The meter number is available in Anexo’s online dashboard. Through “Instellingen” (3), the meter number is listed with the meter data (4).

Client ID & Client Secret #
Through, a Client ID and Client Secret should be requested for secure retrieval of measurement data from Anexo.
Channels #
The default channels for Anexo are as follows:
- ELI: electricity (supply)
- ETLI: electricity feed-in
- GI: gas consumption
Units #
Electricity is offered as consumption in quarter-hourly values. Gas is offered in hourly values.
Historical consumption #
Meterbeheer offers all data from an Anexo meter from the effective date of when the owner of the connection entered into the contract with Anexo .